October 1, 2023

By Nancy B. Greer
President & CEO

All over town, families and friends have come together in their sukkahs for good food and great company. Sukkot is a time for gathering beneath the stars in this Season of Rejoicing—even though Seattle’s famously cloudy skies often keep stars hidden from view!

The fragility of the sukkah and its temporary presence remind us of the paramount importance of belonging that Sukkot signifies. Strengthening that sense of belonging is a guiding light for your Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. The uplifting spirit of Sukkot kindles the anticipation for the many programs and events that will help people connect and make our community stronger in this new year of 5784.

The year is young but already there is much to look forward to! Your Federation, PJ Library® and URJ Camp Kalsman invite you to a fun-filled Fall Fest at Kalsman on October 15, just two weeks from today. Enjoy an afternoon of cruising the lake, arts and crafts, Israeli dances, and the grand opening of another Little Free PJ Library book box.

On October 23, the Ben-Gurion Society will hold its inaugural event, an evening for young philanthropists to ignite their passion for making an impact and witness the difference each of them can make.

Next month, community members are invited to two events where we will explore the many dimensions of two pressing issues facing Jewish life here and around the world. Our Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) is sponsoring Understanding Israel’s Democracy at 75 on November 12 and Federation is co-sponsoring Navigating Conversations About Antisemitism on November 14, in partnership with Jewish Family Service and Temple De Hirsch Sinai.

Thank you to the generous donors who make these and other programs and events possible!

Whether we gather to celebrate or learn or for any other purpose, time together deepens relationships. Our community, in all its diversity, becomes that much stronger, as we are reminded by the Four Species of Sukkot—the lulav, etrog, myrtle, and willow.

My Federation colleagues and I wish you a fun and happy Sukkot, and we look forward to seeing you around the community in the coming year.

Chag Sukkot Sameach,