Honeymoon Israel

It’s About the Journey

Honeymoon Israel (HMI) is the opportunity of a lifetime to connect with Jewish community and Jewish life in whatever way works for you. In partnership with HMI, your Federation provides nine-day immersive trips to Israel for local cohorts of 20 couples. Each couple has at least one Jewish partner and is early in their committed relationship. The experience creates communities of couples who are building families with deep and meaningful connections to Jewish life and the Jewish people. 

Why travel with HMI and Federation?

Learn about the HMI experience through the eyes of a Federation staff member, Tori Schwartz, who traveled with the 2022 HMI group:

In July 2022, Rabbi Jay LeVine from Kavana Cooperative, 17 interfaith couples from Seattle, and I returned from Honeymoon Israel, a 10-day immersive experience.

The trip flew by, and I was amazed by how much we did and saw in such a short amount of time. Upon arrival, we welcomed Shabbat in Jerusalem in the beautiful Gan HaAtzmaut Park, then hit the ground running with a historical tour of the old city, shopping at Machane Yehuda Market, and a visit to Yad Vashem, the national Holocaust memorial center. From there, we carried on to climb Masada and float in the Dead Sea before driving north to stay on the Sea of Galilee. We continued onto the spiritual and mystical city of Tzfat and overlooked the Syrian border to discuss the challenges Israel is facing today. Our trip ended in the vibrant city of Tel Aviv where we swam in the ocean, ate our way through Carmel Market, and celebrated our last Shabbat together on the beach at sundown.


Since returning, friends and colleagues have asked me what the best part was. The answer is simple: Seeing Israel through the lens of these young couples, half Jew-ish, half not. I’m excited to continue these connections back in Seattle and officially welcome all 17 couples into our Jewish community.

I think one of our participants, Reebs Shore, said it best on her Instagram page:

“Andrew and I spent 10 days traveling around Israel with 17 Seattle couples, an Israeli tour guide, a Seattle Rabbi and program guide. The program is called Honeymoon Israel, and its purpose as expressed by the founder is to help couples navigate if and how they want to have Jewishness in their family. We saw sights from the Western Wall to the Dead Sea to the Syrian border, learned about the complicated history, current day conflicts, and political system of Israel. Listened to guest lecturers, facilitated conversations, celebrated two Shabbats, indulged in endless Israeli cuisine, and met a bunch of wonderful new friends! It answered some questions, left me with more questions, and was a great opportunity to learn on so many levels! Can’t wait to tell you more about it. #Jew-ish @honeymoonisrael @JewishinSeattle”


Who is eligible?

The HMI experience is open to couples of all cultural, racial, religious, gender, and sexual identities who are looking to create connections with each other and to Jewish life. HMI is for couples between the ages of 25 and 40, with at least one Jewish partner, and in the first five years of marriage or early in their lifelong committed partnership.  

Who should travel with HMI?

Together, HMI and Federation build cohorts for group trips that reflect the diverse demographics of Jewish Puget Sound. They include couples with interfaith, Jewish, and multi-racial backgrounds. HMI is most powerful and impactful for couples who have not yet found a strong connection to Jewish community or Jewish life and are searching for the right ways to incorporate Judaism into their relationship, family, and home.


What does the trip look like?

Spend nine exhilarating, romantic, and memorable days exploring Israel in luxury with the one you love and 19 other couples from the greater Seattle area. You’ll return home with a new community and friends who feel like family.

Before the trip, we’ll host gatherings where you’ll get the chance to meet and get to know the couples you’ll be traveling with. 

On the trip, you’ll experience Israel’s culture, beauty, and society in a way you could never do on your own. You’ll hit the best tourist spots like the Western Wall, Jerusalem’s Old City, and the beaches of Tel Aviv. You’ll have unique experiences you wouldn’t get on a standard vacation, like meals with local families and meetings with high-level public officials and business leaders. You’ll enjoy group tours, choose content-specific tracks to customize your experience, and have time to explore alone with your partner. 

What happens after we return from Israel?

After the Israel trip, the journey continues at home. The cohesive community you build on the ground in Israel is sustained and nurtured, through HMI-organized efforts and participants’ initiatives.

HMI is much more than a trip to Israel. Couples participate in this experience for all the same reasons: to find friends, build community, and connect with Judaism in a new way. HMI provides opportunities for organized local programming. Financial grants help participants create and bring their own programming to life. There is ongoing support to help sustain connections to Jewish life. Our team and local partners understand the unique needs of each city and work directly with participants to co-create Jewish experiences that fit their needs. 

What kind of things happen with HMI at home? There is so much to look forward to! City-wide Shabbat dinners. Alumni-led yoga sessions. Group baby celebrations. Family-friendly camp weekends. High Holy Day festivities. And so much more!


To learn more, contact:

Emily Fine | Program Operations Manager | emilyf@jewishinseattle.org | 206.774.2215


What happens after we return from Israel?

After the Israel trip, the journey continues at home. The cohesive community you build on the ground in Israel is sustained and nurtured, through HMI-organized efforts and participants’ initiatives.

HMI is much more than a trip to Israel. Couples participate in this experience for all the same reasons: to find friends, build community, and connect with Judaism in a new way. HMI provides opportunities for organized local programming. Financial grants help participants create and bring their own programming to life. There is ongoing support to help sustain connections to Jewish life. Our team and local partners understand the unique needs of each city and work directly with participants to co-create Jewish experiences that fit their needs. 

What kind of things happen with HMI at home? There is so much to look forward to! City-wide Shabbat dinners. Alumni-led yoga sessions. Group baby celebrations. Family-friendly camp weekends. High Holy Day festivities. And so much more!

To learn more, contact:

Rabbi Samuel Klein | Director of Jewish Engagement | samuelk@jewishinseattle.org | 206.774.2240