Community Research

The Federation’s 2014 Greater Seattle Jewish Community Study offers a wealth of data about the community’s demographics, attitudes, and needs. It was the first such study since 2001. Between 2001 and 2014, Jewish Puget Sound’s population grew by 70 percent. Growth has continued, with many newcomers bringing diverse ideas about living Jewishly. A follow-up study of community needs and preferences for connecting with Jewish life was carried out in 2016 (see below).

2014 Greater Seattle Jewish Community Study

Download individual study chapters: 

Families With Children

Inmarried and Intermarried Families

Senior Adults

Synagogue Members

Young Adults

Technical Appendices

2014 Puget Jewish Community Profile:
A Quick Overview of Jewish Puget Sound


2016 Jewish Neighborhood Connections Study Findings

The Federation’s 2016 Jewish Neighborhood Connections Study took a deep dive into community needs and preferences for connecting with Jewish life. The study documented that having a “rich Jewish life” hinges on convenient access to Jewish opportunities. Under the leadership of Rabbi Samuel Klein, the Federation’s Director of Jewish Engagement, the Federation is providing fresh, exciting opportunities to “do Jewish” in whatever ways suit people’s interests and passions.