A Message About Thanksgiving & Giving Tuesday from Your Federation CEO

November 12, 2023

By Nancy B. Greer
President & CEO

Thanksgiving is the time of year when we reflect on what brings us gratitude.

For many of us, that will be hard this year. Gratitude is not the first emotion that comes to mind under the shadow that has fallen over our world since October 7. Our feelings of grief and fear have not subsided since that dreadful day and are not likely to during the weeks and months ahead. To ask people to think about things they are thankful for may seem ill-timed and tone-deaf.

Nevertheless, finding sources of gratitude is important, especially during troubling times, for the sake of caring for ourselves, our families, and our Jewish community.

I am grateful for the resoluteness of Israelis. In the face of the unbearable, they have put aside divisiveness, drawn together as one family, and are volunteering untold hours and treasure to care for refugees who have lost everything, pack necessities for soldiers defending our Jewish homeland, and demonstrate the unstoppable strength that comes with working for a common purpose.

I am grateful for all who keep raising their voices to demand the unconditional release of all the hostages held in unspeakable conditions by Hamas terrorists.

I am grateful for the unbreakable solidarity our people around the world have shown for Israel and for their steadfast courage in pushing back against the vile tide of antisemitism that has engulfed social media, campuses, and street corners.

I am grateful for law enforcement agencies that protect our shuls, schools, and community centers.

I am grateful for our local Jewish community and all that we are doing collectively for Israel, in word and deed. Here in the Puget Sound region, thousands of miles from Israel, we are stepping up to meet the unprecedented needs of our mishpacha, as we have always done when the world has turned upside down for our brothers and sisters.

We can respond in times of crisis because our community is strong. Our community is strong because generous people like you care. On Giving Tuesday, November 28, please consider making a gift to your Federation, to support the critical work of standing strong for Israel and building a thriving future for Jewish life here, in Israel, and around the world.

Thank you for all that you do. My Federation colleagues and I wish you and your loved ones a safe and peaceful Thanksgiving.

Am Yisrael Chai,